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Current exhibition

from 4.9.2024 to 4.11.2024 in the Lobby adjacent to Robert‑Havemann‑Hall
Weekdays from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm, please contact the administration shortly before

War on Wars!

Current exhibition
Ernst Friedrich, a tireless opponent of war, began collecting photographs of wounded soldiers and suffering civilians after the First World War. His goal was to vividly document the devastating effects of war on people and society. In 1923, he founded the Anti-War Museum in Berlin, where he presented a powerful exhibition of images of mutilated ...

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Sunday, 22.9.2024 at 6.30 pm, Robert-Havemann-Hall

Panel tartışması

event image
Mart 2024'te yapilan son yerel seçimlerde Erdogan' AK Partisi muhalefet karsisinda yenilgiye ugradi. Simdi yöneticiler bir kez daha atanacak. Hakkari'de seçilmis beledige baskant derhal göreden alind ve ardindan uzun bir hapis cezasina garptirildi. Van'da da seçilmis belediye baskaninin yerine zoraki bir yönetici atanacakti. Bölge ...