The starting point and object of the foundation's work is the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte of the same name, which today at Greifswalder Straße 4 in Berlin offers space for the current commitment to civil and human rights. Citizens' movements work in a democratic and dialogue-oriented way. Their principle is not the rationality of exploitation, but that of understanding. The bundling of social competence, as it develops among people in solidarity, is the most important force they oppose to state or private rule.
The political independence of the house is based on the work and financial contributions of its tenants*. On the one hand, the financial barriers for the use of our rooms must be kept as low as possible in order to enable many to work here. On the other hand, however, the income must secure the preservation of the house and the further work of the foundation.
From time to time we succeed in satisfying a self-imposed demand: to facilitate the start of new social movements by networking different groups and with the "free spaces" of the house. For example the anti-Hartz protests, the Monday demonstrations in East Germany in 2004, the rent and district protests or the student protests. The prerequisite for this is the stamina needed to maintain a house that does not have the rich and powerful on its side.
▶ Board members
Isa-Lorena Messer, Michael Volk
▶ Members of the Board of Trustees
Tobias Baur, Madelon Dimmerling, Mardela Mesias-Zeuke, Björn Mohr, Angelika Nguyen, Arkadiusz Osinski, Pia Paust-Lassen, Elske Rosenfeld, Klaus Schlüter, Andreas Schreier, Michael Volk, Lavern Wolfram ▶ Sending organisations
- Amnesty International Sektion der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
- Bibliothek der Freien
- Grüne Liga e.V.
- Humanistische Union e.V. (Landesverband Berlin)
- Interventionistische Linke
- Verein Haus der Demokratie e.V.
▶ Preamble
In the version adopted by the General Assembly of the "Haus der Demokratie e.V." on 27 June 1991 and the amendments adopted by the Board of Trustees on 1 December 1992 and 17 March 2005. Editing status: 8.06.2006:
This foundation is intended to promote the ideas of the citizens' movements as they developed in the democratic revolutions of 1989 and have since become a social factor in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe.
The work to be carried out here is based on the experience of
that even major political and social changes are possible without violence,
if it is not determined by parties and their power politics and knowledge of domination
will be,
that in particular the democratic growing together of the two German
societies only through the continuation and introduction of their own political approaches from the
of the revolution in the GDR,
that the growing together of Germany is only one part of the larger task to strengthen the Central and Eastern European identity in the educational process of the new
to articulate Europe,
that after the collapse of the systems, the construction of the East would not be possible without the reconstruction
of the West can take place if the future Europe as a whole has a common
democratic project of all participating peoples.
The House of Democracy and Human Rights Foundation wants to support organisations and individuals that
but not political parties, to have an intellectual and organisational centre in the
Germany disinterestedly make available.
§ 15 - Right to seizure
In the event of the dissolution of the Foundation, the assets shall pass to a charitable institution, which shall use them directly and exclusively for purposes in accordance with § 2 of these Statutes. The selection of the institution shall be made together with the resolution on the dissolution of the Foundation. Prior to the transfer of assets, the tax office responsible for the receiving institution must obtain confirmation that the institution is a charitable institution within the meaning of the provisions of Tax Code.