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 The Foundation - Board & Board of Trustees

The starting point and object of the foundation's work is the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte of the same name, which today at Greifswalder Straße 4 in Berlin offers space for the current commitment to civil and human rights. Citizens' movements work in a democratic and dialogue-oriented way. Their principle is not the rationality of exploitation, but that of understanding. The bundling of social competence, as it develops among people in solidarity, is the most important force they oppose to state or private rule.

The political independence of the house is based on the work and financial contributions of its tenants*. On the one hand, the financial barriers for the use of our rooms must be kept as low as possible in order to enable many to work here. On the other hand, however, the income must secure the preservation of the house and the further work of the foundation.

From time to time we succeed in satisfying a self-imposed demand: to facilitate the start of new social movements by networking different groups and with the "free spaces" of the house. For example the anti-Hartz protests, the Monday demonstrations in East Germany in 2004, the rent and district protests or the student protests. The prerequisite for this is the stamina needed to maintain a house that does not have the rich and powerful on its side.

▶ Board members

Isa-Lorena Messer, Michael Volk

▶ Members of the Board of Trustees

Tobias Baur, Madelon Dimmerling, Mardela Mesias-Zeuke, Björn Mohr, Angelika Nguyen, Arkadiusz Osinski, Pia Paust-Lassen, Elske Rosenfeld, Klaus Schlüter, Andreas Schreier, Michael Volk, Lavern Wolfram

▶ Sending organisations

 The Foundation - Statutes

▶ Preamble

In the version adopted by the General Assembly of the "Haus der Demokratie e.V." on 27 June 1991 and the amendments adopted by the Board of Trustees on 1 December 1992 and 17 March 2005. Editing status: 8.06.2006:

This foundation is intended to promote the ideas of the citizens' movements as they developed in the democratic revolutions of 1989 and have since become a social factor in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe.

The work to be carried out here is based on the experience of

The House of Democracy and Human Rights Foundation wants to support organisations and individuals that but not political parties, to have an intellectual and organisational centre in the Germany disinterestedly make available.

§ 1 - Name. Domicile. Legal form

  1. The Foundation bears the name "House of Democracy and Human Rights Foundation".
  2. It is a foundation with the legal status of a civil law foundation.
  3. Sie hat ihren Sitz in Berlin.

§ 2 - Purpose of the Foundation

  1. The foundation serves exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the §§51 ff. Tax code
  2. The purpose of the foundation is, subject to § 2a of the articles of association, the promotion of the
    • Education, primary and vocational education,
    • Youth care and youth welfare.
  3. The purpose of the foundation will be realized in particular with regard to paragraph 2a):
    by promoting civic education and analysing the unification process of both German states, as well as information on the role of the citizens' associations and the Citizens' movements with special consideration of the model of the "round table" as a form of democratic self-organization of citizens for the non-violent and - after the dissolution of the GDR - the role of the of self-organized citizens during the unification process and in the and evaluate the results of the study, by promoting the democratic state, in particular
    • By initiating a discourse, using the insights gained and experiences of democratic self-organization for the further development of the Democracy in a united Germany,
    • By supporting activities, initiatives and groupings that are relevant for the the non-violent realisation of fundamental and human rights, the equality of women and men and the women and men, tolerance, freedom of expression and co-determination in society and the economy; the ideas of the and citizens' movements, as they are organised in the democratic revolutions in 1989, and since then, in the Germany, Central and Eastern Europe have become a social factor,
    • By organizing and promoting discussion and lecture events and seminars,
    • By maintaining or providing conference facilities,
    • Through the publication of all kinds of publications, through media and Public Relations,
    • By tendering prizes, promoting exhibitions,
    • to promote, through the creation of advisory services, the idea that constantly reduce the economic and ecological resources and therefore rely on the areas of social welfare, culture and environmental protection, etc., the cooperative self-help is an essential problem-solving approach.

      about paragraph 2b):

    • n the field of youth care and youth welfare
      • By promoting youth initiatives to convey the message set out in the Preamble and (a) the principles set out therein; and
      • Through the establishment and maintenance of day-care centres for children in conference and meeting places, provided that the property in question is owned by the Foundation stands.
    • The foundation is politically and denominationally independent and unbound.
    • The Board of Trustees of the Foundation decides on the allocation of foundation funds.

§ 2a - Achievement of purpose depending on the foundation's assets

  1. As long as the foundation is endowed with the foundation foundation assets of DM 100,000.00, the following shall apply the purpose of the foundation (§ 2 of the statutes) shall be limited to the tasks in accordance with § 2 paragraph 2a) in Link with paragraph 3 to (a) first sentence limited. The purpose shall be achieved by the mediation and / or publication of information about the role of the Civil rights movements in the former GDR.
  2. In the event of an increase in the Foundation's assets, the Board of Trustees shall decide in accordance with § 10 Para. 3 letter I, which further purposes of the foundation pursuant to § 2 paras. 2 and 3 are realized.

§ 3 - Foundation assets

  1. The assets of the Foundation shall be preserved undiminished.
  2. The assets of the foundation within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall include donations which are expressly paid by the The foundation may also make donations to the foundation for the purpose of increasing the foundation's assets. All other Grants serve as current income for the direct realization of the purpose of Foundation according to § 2 of the statutes.

§ 4 - Funds of the Foundation

  1. The funds of the foundation may only be used to cover the costs of the foundation and for the the realisation of the purpose of the foundation. A legal claim to the There is no donation of the foundation's funds. The allocation of the funds is decided by the Executive Board in accordance with § 7, paragraph 1, letter b.
  2. No one may be held liable for administrative expenses, benefits or donations connected with the the purpose of the foundation are not compatible, or by disproportionately high remuneration to be favored.
  3. The Foundation operates selflessly, i.e. it does not primarily pursue its own economic aims.
  4. Available endowment assets may be partially allocated to a reserve, provided that this is does not contradict possible conditions imposed by donors and is subject to charitable law is permissible.

§ 5 - Organs of the Foundation

  1. The organs of the Foundation are the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees.
  2. The organs have to administer the foundation within the scope of the tasks assigned to them by the statutes in such a way that the long-term realisation of the purpose of the foundation is guaranteed. The principles of economy and thrift as far as the care of a prudent businessman is concerned must be observed. The organs shall cooperate in a spirit of trust in order to realise the purpose of the Foundation; in particular, they shall inform each other by exchanging invitations, agendas and minutes of resolutions.
  3. Subject to sentence 4, the members of the organs of the foundation shall carry out their activities on an honorary basis. However, they are entitled to reimbursement of their travel expenses in accordance with the application of the Federal Travel Expenses Act and their necessary expenses. The Board of Trustees may decide on a lump sum for the reimbursement of expenses. Insofar as the Foundation's funds are available without a member of the Executive Board may be remunerated as a managing member of the Executive Board appointed by the Board of Trustees.

§ 6 - Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors consists of at least one, at most three persons who are members of the Board of Trustees. pursuant to § 10 para. 3 letter a) for a term of office of 3 years in the case of the first election (establishment of the foundation) and for 2 years in the case of subsequent elections. However, he remains in office until the new election of the executive committee. The executive committee appoints from among its members, if it consists of two or three persons, by unanimous resolution a chairperson and a Deputy Chief Executive Officer. If no agreement can be reached within the Board of Directors, the Board of Trustees shall appoint the members of the Board of Trustees by majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees present.
  2. The members of the Board of Directors may be dismissed by the Board of Trustees before their term of office expires. Dismissal is permissible if the Board of Trustees simultaneously appoints a successor for the remaining term of office of the member of the Board of Trustees who has been dismissed (constructive vote of no confidence).
  3. If a member of the executive committee resigns from office before the end of his term of office for other reasons, a substitute member shall be appointed within 3 months for the remaining term of office of the resigning member.

§ 7 - Tasks of the Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors administers the Foundation, conducts its business and ensures that the resolutions of the Foundation bodies are implemented. It performs all administrative tasks unless they are expressly assigned to other organs of the Foundation. In particular, it is responsible for
    1. the administration of the foundation's assets,
    2. the allocation of funds in accordance with the decision of the Board of Trustees in accordance with § 10 Para.Para 3d),
    3. the establishment of the board of trustees to be approved business plan,
    4. the preparation of the annual financial statements in accordance with § 12 (4) of the Articles of Association,
    5. the preparation of the annual report on the fulfilment of the foundation's purpose in accordance with § 12 para. 5 of the articles of association,
    6. participation in the meetings of the Board of Trustees,
    7. Election of the chairperson and his/her deputy.
  2. The Executive Board represents the Foundation in and out of court. If the board consists of two members, each member represents the foundation alone. If the Executive Board consists of three members, the Foundation shall be jointly represented by two members.
  3. The Management Board may employ or commission staff for current business, but only for remuneration if sufficient funds are available for this purpose.
  4. The sale of real estate and legal transactions, which in individual cases oblige the Foundation to pay more than DM 50,000.00, require the prior consent of the Foundation in the internal relationship. Board of Trustees.

§ 8 - Resolutions of the Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board makes its decisions by majority vote. If it consists of several members, the presence of two members is required to constitute a quorum.
  2. If resolutions are passed by written circulation, the consent of all members of the Executive Board is required.
  3. Each board member can veto decisions of the board with the result that the board of trustees has to decide on the matter. The veto is to be addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees within one week by registered letter and is only effective if the resolution against which the veto is directed is designated and the veto is justified.

§ 9 – Board of Trustees

  1. Members of the board of trustees:
      1. one person sent by the citizens' movement Amnesty International Sektion der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.,
      2. one person sent by the citizens' movement Bibliothek der Freien,
      3. one person sent by the citizens' movement Grüne Liga e.V.,
      4. one person sent by the citizens' movement Humanistische Union e.V. (Landesverband Berlin),
      5. one person sent by the citizens' movement Interventionistische Linke ,
      6. one person sent by the citizens' movement Verein Haus der Demokratie e.V.
    1. the number of persons to be appointed corresponding to the number of members of the Board of Trustees of letter a) according to paragraph 4.
    2. The resulting organization to paragraph 1a) can appoint a deputy for the case of the prevention of the member.
  2. The term of office of the members of the Board of Trustees at the first election (foundation formation) is 5 Years, in later elections 3 years. Re-election is permitted. All election procedures are as follows to ensure that, wherever possible, the foundation organs are staffed equally with women and men.
  3. The secondment of members to paragraph 1a) shall take place - insofar as it is not a matter of legal capacity associations acts - by one according to the principles of the association law (§§ 21 ff. BGB) the meeting of the members of this association held and recorded, otherwise by the statutes or the contract of the sending member, as per the statutes or contract of the sending member Corporation to appointed organs.
  4. The first election of the further members of the Board of Trustees according to paragraph 1b) shall be carried out in accordance with paragraph 1a) seconded members of the Board of Trustees. All further elections shall be conducted by all present members of the Board of Trustees.
    Each member of paragraph 1a) may submit two nominations for election, the members of the Board of Trustees 1b) are not entitled to make a proposal, with the exception of the case referred to in paragraph 8. The election shall be by secret written vote. Elected are these persons who are the most, but have at least three votes. The electoral process may be as long as it takes to until the minimum number of votes of three is reached.
  5. Members of the Board of Trustees according to paragraph 1a) and their deputies according to paragraph 1c may at any time can be replaced. Appointments and dismissals must be made in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
  6. Members of the Board of Trustees according to paragraph 1b) can only be elected with a 2/3 majority of all members of the Board of Trustees. Members of the Board of Trustees with voting rights (full Board of Trustees). The by-election must take place within 8 weeks after the dismissal.
  7. If an association or corporation pursuant to paragraph 1a) dissolves in such a way that it can be integrated in of a new or already existing association or corporation, the share capital of the new or existing association or corporation shall remain its delegated member of the Board of Trustees and his or her deputy until the end of their term of office in office, if the host association or corporation has already been established in accordance with paragraph 1a) for the purpose of the delegation of a member of the Board of Trustees. After the expiration of this term of office and in in all other cases, the selection of associations authorised to post is made, or corporations as follows:
    1. the members of the Board of Trustees shall come to paragraph 1a) by resolution with simple majority of majority to the conclusion that it is appropriate for the disbanded association or body 1a), there is a successor organisation which does not already belong to the associations or corporations that are entitled to delegate, the Board of Trustees shall appoint an association or corporation of its choice to appoint a person to the to the Board of Trustees. The association or corporation so selected shall be within one month of the selection decision by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, or to call on his representative, within six months, to submit to the to send a member of the board of trustees. Contains articles of association, contract or similar of the selected association or corporation, there is no provision on eligibility for secondment, the body entitled to legally represent the association or body externally to the secondment. If no posting takes place within this period, b) shall apply.
    2. in all other cases, the existing Board of Trustees (members in accordance with paragraph 1a) and paragraph 1b) by a 2/3 majority, an association or corporation from which the Board of Trustees assumes that it supports the goals of the Foundation. This association or The body shall be established within one month of the date of the selection decision of to request the chairman of the board of trustees or his representative, with a time limit of six months, to to send a member of the board of trustees for a period of one month. Contains statutes, contract or the like of the no provision regarding the eligibility of the selected association or corporation. For the purpose of posting, this is the legal external representation of the association or the Corporation is entitled to post. If, within this period If there is no secondment, the election process etc. must be repeated until a organization was found which sends a trustee member
  8. Written votes in the circulation procedure require the cooperation of all members of the Board of Trustees and the approval of the majority of the members. Resolutions Article 14 of the Articles of Association may only be adopted in one meeting and require the approval of the Supervisory Board 4/5 of all members of the Board of Trustees.
  9. The Board of Trustees shall elect a chairperson and a deputy chairperson from among its members. Chairwoman
  10. The quorum of the Board of Trustees shall remain unaffected if it temporarily receives less than as the number of members prescribed in paragraph 1.

§ 10 - Tasks of the Board of Trustees

  1. The Board of Trustees is the supervisory body of the Foundation; in particular, it must ensure that the Board of Directors pursues the permanent and sustainable fulfilment of the Foundation's purpose. For this purpose, it may request information from the Executive Board at any time.
  2. The Board of Trustees shall draw up the guidelines for the activities of the Foundation in accordance with § 2 of the Statutes.
  3. The Board of Trustees also has the following tasks:
    1. Appointment and dismissal of members of the Management Board and, if necessary (§ 6 paragraph 1, sentence 3), election of the Chairman of the Management Board and the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, appointment of an Executive Management Board and determination of the nature and amount of its remuneration,
    2. Approval of the rules of procedure of the Executive Board,
    3. Adoption of the economic plan,
    4. Resolution on the distribution of subsidies; this may be limited to a lump-sum allocation and distribution according to the objectives of the Foundation pursuant to § 2 paragraph 2 a) and b). In this case, the distribution of funds on a project or personal basis shall be carried out by the Executive Board.
    5. Resolution on the annual financial statements and the annual report of the Management Board pursuant to § 12 (4) and (5) of the Articles of Association,
    6. Consent to legal transactions pursuant to § 7 paragraph 4,
    7. Approval and acceptance of endowments,
    8. Appointment and dismissal of members of the Advisory Board,
    9. Approval of the Advisory Committee's rules of procedure,
    10. Adoption of resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association, dissolution of the Foundation or merger with one or more other foundations,
    11. Decisions about the realisation of the purpose according to § 2a paragraph 2 of the statutes.
  4. The Board of Trustees shall draw up its own rules of procedure in which, in particular, the individual rules of procedure for invitations and minutes etc. shall be laid down. The Board of Trustees decides on these by a 2/3 majority.

§ 11 - Advisory Council

  1. The Board of Trustees may form an Advisory Council to advise it within the framework of fulfilling the purpose of the Foundation.
  2. The Advisory Council may draw up its own rules of procedure, which shall require the approval of the Board of Trustees.

§ 12 - Rules of Procedure of the Foundation

  1. The Executive Board and the Board of Trustees shall be convened for meetings by the respective chairperson or, if the chairperson is unable to attend, by the deputy chairperson, as often as appears necessary for the proper conduct of business, but at least once a year. They shall also be convened if at least one third of their members so request. The Board of Trustees may convene a meeting of the Executive Board, the Advisory Board - if half of the members of the Board of members of the Advisory Board demand this - demand the convening of a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Invitations shall be issued in written form with an invitation period of four weeks, stating the items on the agenda. Minutes shall be taken of meetings and signed by the chairperson and the minutes. Resolutions shall be recorded in their wording.
  2. The fiscal year is the calendar year.
  3. Accounting and operational procedures are to be regulated by the Board of Directors in such a way as to ensure the long-term and sustainable fulfilment of the Foundation's tasks.
  4. At the end of each financial year, the Management Board shall prepare an annual financial statement with a summary of assets and liabilities.
  5. Together with the annual statement of accounts and the overview of assets and liabilities, the Executive Board must prepare a report in which the annual statement of accounts, the status of assets and the fulfilment of the foundation's purpose are presented and the annual financial statements explained.
  6. Annual accounts, balance sheet and report on the fulfilment of the foundation's purposes (annual report) must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for resolution.
  7. The Management Board shall submit the annual report within the meaning of paragraph 6 to the Supervisory Authority for Foundations no later than 4 months after the end of the financial year.

§ 13 - Supervision of Foundations

  1. The members of the Management Board are obliged to notify the supervisory authority without delay of any change in the composition of an executive body.
  2. The foundation is subject to state supervision in accordance with the applicable foundation law.

§ 14 - Cancellation of the Foundation, Merger, Amendment of the Articles of Association

  1. The dissolution of the Foundation, the merging with another Foundation and the change of the purpose of the Foundation shall only be permissible in the event of a substantial change of circumstances.
  2. Amendments to the statutes that affect the purpose of the foundation require the approval of the responsible tax office.

§ 15 - Right to seizure

In the event of the dissolution of the Foundation, the assets shall pass to a charitable institution, which shall use them directly and exclusively for purposes in accordance with § 2 of these Statutes. The selection of the institution shall be made together with the resolution on the dissolution of the Foundation. Prior to the transfer of assets, the tax office responsible for the receiving institution must obtain confirmation that the institution is a charitable institution within the meaning of the provisions of Tax Code.